Helping New Mexico spouses secure alimony in a divorce

As a pervious post highlighted, alimony can be a very important decision to secure in a divorce. Moreover, it is also something that a spouse might need to take steps to protect prior to filing for dissolution and post-divorce. While some spouses might not expect requiring spousal support in the event of a divorce, if he or she became accustomed to a certain standard of living during marriage, a spouse might find it necessary to request alimony in a divorce.

At Atkinson & Kelly, P.A., we help divorcing couples in New Mexico navigate spousal support issues. Unlike child support, there is no set formula to determine the amount or length of alimony. However, our attorneys are experienced at assessing the details of the marriage to determine an appropriate amount and duration to request.

While a prenuptial agreement can detail the terms of spousal support, this document in not required in order for a spouse to secure alimony. However, this legal document could be beneficial if the payer spouse fails to make timely or full alimony payments. Nonetheless, recipient spouses have mechanisms to enforce payments if an ex-spouse fails to make alimony payments. Our skilled legal team has helped past clients successfully navigate this and other alimony issues.

Our attorneys understand that spousal support can be a very crucial factor in a divorce, helping a spouse meet their financial needs post-divorce. While factors such as the length of the marriage, the age of the spouses and the earning capacity play a role in the alimony determination, our knowledgeable attorneys are able to consider these factors to develop a realistic plan for spousal support.

To learn more, check out our law firm’s alimony website. Spousal support can make a huge difference for a divorced spouse, and it is important that divorcing couples consider how alimony applies in their dissolution.

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